Been a Week or So…

Hi there!

I know it has been awhile since I last wrote. I have been keeping up with the healthy eating for the most part, which is great! But, I am finding it tedious to sit down and have to write every single since this is a work in progress, I’m going to do the following…

1. I’m going to write a few times a week..sometimes maybe more, sometimes less. But at the end of the day, I will update my end of month weight and progress photos. That is a guarantee!

2. I am going back to calorie counting. This macronutrient stuff is not giving me the results that I want so far. So, I will allow myself 1,200 calories per day + whatever I burn working out. 🙂

I’m still keeping my food journal. It’s easier to write everything down in there and be mindful of it. Since I’m not posting daily, I will just kind of run a tally of the days I do post or weekly totals, etc.

That’s all for now! Hopefully this switch-a-roo will keep me motivated!

Day 10, 11, and 12 – Been a Few Days!

Hi there! Been a few days since I wrote so I’ll give you a quick update on everything!

Day 10 – Saturday, January 11, 2014
The day started off on track! I woke up and had a protein shake and english muffin before hitting the gym. I ran to the gym, did 15 minutes of cardio, back/biceps and then ran back home.

Afterwards, Cellie and I went to brunch and did a little shopping. It was nice to get out of the house and enjoy the “warmer” weather. We decided that we would go out that evening and went to Old Crow Smokehouse. Let’s just say my night ended at 5:00 a.m. I definitely indulged and probably ruined all my progress for the week, but it happens. We had a blast so it was worth it in my book!

Day 11 – Sunday, January 12, 2014
Because of Saturday night’s indulgences, I was pretty much a waste on Sunday. I slept most of the day and didn’t eat as healthy as I should have, but I did manage to make it out for a 45 minute run. I hit and surpassed my exercise targets for the week so I was a happy camper! Back to the grind Monday!

Day 12 – Monday, January 13, 2014
Though tired this morning, I stayed in check most of the day. A coworker just came back from Switzerland though and tempted me with some Swiss chocolates. I caved and gave in, but how could I not? I must say – best tasting chocolate EVER. I will be planning my trip to Switzerland soon!

On a side note, we started our weight loss competition at work. We’re divided up into teams so now my team will be holding me accountable and I can’t let them down. I’m pumped for this! I’m also going to be participating in a Body Transformation Challenge. The winner gets $50,000. How cool would that be??!!??

Day 9 – Time for the Weekend!

So happy the weekend is here! With this weather, this may have been the slowest week…ever! It started raining today and boy oh boy did it rain! It’s good because it’s melting the snow, but it made for a sucky commute home. I stopped by the gym in the suburbs to bust out a workout. I wasn’t feeling it. I have a slight cold (sinus pressure, runny nose, cough) so I’ve been feeling extremely tired these past few days. But, I still managed to do some cardio and chest/tricep workouts. I also bought a new protein powder today – GNC Whey – Strawberry flavored. Umm AMAZING! It’s actually made by Optimum Nutrition and they just ship it to NC, slap a GNC label on it and there you have it. So so so good. I highly recommend it if you’re looking for a new protein powder. The vanilla one is really yummy too! Anyways, I need some rest to kick this cold. Short and sweet tonight.

Calories – 1567.5, Goal – 1600 (under)
Fat – 55.4, Goal – 60.8 (under)
Carbs – 145.3, Goal – 111.2 (over)
Net Carbs – 100.5, Goal – 111.2 (under)
Fiber – 33.8, Goal – 30-38 (on target)
Protein – 134.3, Goal – 152 (under)

Day 8 – Week 2 Begins!

Week one has come to an end and today  marks the start of week two. How do I feel? I actually feel great! Stepped on the scale this morning and I was 148.6. That’s 3.2 pounds lighter than what I was a week ago! Part of that was bloating from my monthly visitor ;)…but overall, I think it’s just my body getting back into routine!!! The first few pounds will come off easily as long as I’m consistent and stay away from sweets, alcohol, etc. My goal is to be 146-147 next Thursday! Holla!

We had a work team lunch at Wildfire today. Mmmm so good. I did indulge a bit and had their fresh, homemade cornbread (to die for) and a piece of their pumpernickel bread. Between 10 of us, we split a large salad so it basically came out to a tiny plate, and then I had salmon and roasted veggies for my entree. Afterwards they gave us a chocolate chip cookie and I did indulge there as well. But, it was my first time in a week, and I’m still down so I’m not worried! It put me over my counts for the day, but not by much…I was quite surprised. I ended up working late and went to the gym after. Wasn’t feeling motivation but I had to get it in. More tomorrow!

Calories – 1974, Goal – 1600 (over)
Fat – 84.5, Goal – 60.8 (over)
Carbs – 173.9, Goal – 111.2  (over)
Net Carbs – 138.1, Goal – 111.2 (over)
Fiber – 26.8, Goal – 30-38 (under)
Protein – 142.9, Goal – 152 (under)

Day 7 – The End of Week One

BOOM! Week one is donezo to the unzo! It actually went by pretty fast, all things considered. I know I said that I would wait until Friday morning to weigh-in, but I’m actually going to weigh-in tomorrow. It will help me keep everything straight in my mind and on here. 🙂

Today was my first day back at the office, and I walked out to my car looking like this:



Uhhh jeeze, thanks Chicago! Needless to say, it took me quite some time to clear that puppy, and I didn’t get into work until 9:30 a.m. I didn’t end up leaving the office until 7:30 p.m. so I skipped the gym and called it a night. I have a little cold anyhow (sore throat turning scratchy, tired, runny nose) so it’s probably better I get sleep and rest so I can bust out 4 hardcore workouts for the rest of this week. 🙂 One thing I want to mention before I tally out here and hit the sac…

A guy I work with is extremely into body building/weight lifting/etc. Today we were talking, and I was expressing my frustration of my carb counts that I get for the day. He said that it’s typically 1 carb for every pound you weigh. That is you daily allowance and if you want to lose, cut back a little (and vice versa to gain). So I said that I get 111 a day, but I get flustered because take a cup of broccoli. It has 4 carbs in it. If I eat 2 cups for dinner, that’s only 50 cals but 8 carbs, which is almost 10% of my daily allowance. When I eat a brown rice or whole grain bread, it takes up a good chunk of my daily allowance. He explained that I should be looking at my net carbs, NOT the total carbs. Net carbs is the carb count minus fiber and any sugar alcohols that might be in the food (i.e. a protein bar may have 17 carbs, but have 6 grams of fiber and 9 sugar alcohols, bringing the “true” carb (net carb) to 2 grams). Does anyone agree/disagree with this and if so, why? I get it, I’m just not sure how I should be calculating these puppys. It makes sense though because if there are carbs in veggies, but veggies are loaded with fiber, it reduces the total carb count….which is why veggies are allowed on the Atkins diet, etc. Just curious to know what others thoughts are, but I’m going to start looking at that so I don’t deprive myself of vegetables just so I don’t go over my carb count for the day. Sheesh!

Anyways, with that said my friends, I am off to bed!

Calories – 1406.5, Goal – 1600 (under)
Fat – 43, Goal – 60.8 (under)
Total Carbs – 128.7, Goal – 111.2 (over)
Net Carbs – 88.9, Goal – 111.2 (under)
Fiber – 31, Goal – 30-38 (on target)
Protein – 145.6, Goal – 152 (under)

Day 6 – Going Stir Crazy

Ok ok ok. I don’t know how people do it. I am going absolutely nutty sitting in my apartment for almost 72 hours straight. Mind you I live in a 556 sq. ft. studio in downtown Chicago, but JIMMINY CRICKETS! This is madness! The ice on the inside of my unit’s windows is finally starting to melt. This is what it looked like yesterday at -15:


I mean, where are we? The North Pole!? Sheesh! Anyways, Day 2 (or 3 if you count Sunday) of being cooped up inside, and I have slightly curbed my appetite. I’m finding it very hard to stay within the “meal recommendations” because I don’t see how it’s possible to eat with the numbers I’ve been given (as in, 12.2 g of fat per meal, 30.4 g of protein, etc.). So what I decided to do today was have balanced meals – i.e. a carb, protein, etc. at each one, but then take it off the daily allotment. That way, I’m still hitting my daily targets but not obsessing about having an extra grape tomato in my salad because that’s going to knock my carb count from 22 to 23.

I did get out and make it to the gym this evening which felt great. But let me tell ya’…alllllll the resolutioners were there. Bahhh. Which hey, great for them…if they stick to it after the first few weeks….but I’m hoping it levels off here in the next month or two. I think I’m going to try a.m. workouts instead so I’m not fighting for a treadmill. Anyhoot, this girl is off to bed. Until tomorrow!

Calories – 1657.4, Goal – 1600 (over)
Fat – 54.4, Goal – 60.8 (under)
Carbs – 179.3, Goal – 111.2 (over)
Fiber – 44, Goal – 30-38 (over)
Protein – 128.2, Goal – 152 (under)

Day 5 – Snowed In!

Today – Monday, January 6, 2014 – was by far THE coldest day that I have EVER experienced in my life. “Polar Vortex” as they call it hit the US by storm and the high here in the Windy City was -15 degrees fahrenheit with -51 degree wind chills. Let’s just say that I don’t know how people up in Canada do it. It’s just insanity!

With that said, I have been cooped up in the house since yesterday afternoon and am going a little stir crazy. It’s not good for my diet since all I want to do is binge and watch TV shows. I didn’t go to the gym today – not only because of the cold, but I needed a rest day as well – and I far surpassed all of my daily allowances. But, it was all with healthy food and not junk food so I don’t feel as bad. I just need to make sure to keep my booty in check!

Now time to go back to watching Kyle XY before bed. Working from home again tomorrow so we’ll see how that goes!

Calories – 1992.6, Goal – 1600 (WAY over)
Fat – 66.6, Goal – 60.8 (over)
Carbs – 204.7, Goal – 111.2 (over)
Fiber – 42.5, Goal – 30-38 (over)
Protein – 147.6, Goal – 152 (under)


Day 4 – Snowmageddon

Wow, I guess it will NEVER stop snowing! We’re getting slammed with another foot today after already getting a foot earlier this week. Temps are supposed to drop tonight and the high is supposed to be -10 tomorrow. That’s the HIGH. Low is -16 and they’re saying it will feel -51 with the windchill. Ummmm….all I have to say to that is WAHHHHH! Where are we living, the North Pole? Took this pic below today and it sure looks like it!


Weather aside, I still made it to the gym today. Go me! *Pats myself on the back.* Pounded out 45 minutes of cardio followed by an intense back/biceps weight day. Burned 600 calories in total so not too shabby! I trudged through the snow home and made a pit stop at the grocery store. Expecting to be greeted by tons of shoppers and no groceries, I was pleasantly surprised that there was plenty of bread, milk, eggs, meat…you name it! All of my St. Louis folks have been posting pics/status updates of the grocery stores being wiped out so I expected the same here. But then I came to the sad realization that this weather is quite normal for Chicago, which makes me question why I still live here.

So now that I’m snowed in and the arctic tundra is upon us, I decided to bake some healthy alternative treats. Do they still count when you’ve already had 8? LOL. See picture and recipe below.

Chocolate Banana Oat “Muffins”

3 ripe bananas, mashed up
1/3 cup unsweetened apple sauce
2 cups of oats
1/4 cup almond milk
1 tsp vanilla
1 tbsp unsweetened cocoa powder

Mix all together and spoon into muffin tin, lay out like cookies, put in a baking pan, etc. (really however you want to cook them). Bake for 15-20 minutes at 350 and enjoy! You can also add other ingredients that you think might be good like raisins, chocolate chips, nuts, cinnamon, etc. I just used what I had on hand!

Last but not least, my counts for the day. I’m ashamed to report these because I am wayyyyyy over. I guess it’s a mix between my intense workouts (being more hungry than usual), my PMS-ing (yes, almost “that time”) and just being bored/holed up inside all afternoon/evening. Good news is that with my intense workouts this week, overall I have burned way more than I consumed so I should still be okay (let’s hope anyways!). Plus, what I have been consuming isn’t bad food. There is a ‘bit of a difference of devouring 1869 calories in one meal (say a burger and friends with dessert) as opposed to getting the calories from quality sources (fruits, veggies, whole grains, etc.). 🙂 Stay warm out there, y’all!

Calories – 1869.1, Goal – 1600 (over)
Fat – 59.8, Goal – 60.8 (under)
Carbs – 234.7, Goal – 111.2 (WAY over – ashamed about this)
Fiber – 39.3 , Goal  – 30-38 (over)
Protein – 117.2, Goal – 152 (under)

Day 3 – Snowy Saturday

Will it ever stop snowing in Chicago? Just when I thought we would get a break, the snow starts back up and apparently we’re supposed to get 8-12 more inches…on top of the 10-14 we already have. Mama mia! I slept in today and woke up to go to the gym, only to fall back asleep for another 2.5 hours. I think back to last year and remember how the first few days of clean eating/intense workouts left me feeling exhausted. All I wanted to do was sleep and then I started thinking…is something wrong with me?? But, after a week or so of consistency, I remember feeling the best I ever have so I’m sure I’m going through the same “withdraw/change” patterns if you will. My diet and fitness have been crap up until this point so my body is just adjusting to the changes.

Once I finally woke up, I decided it’s gym time! My legs were on fire because of leg day Thursday, but I didn’t let that stop me. I strapped up in my cold weather running gear and ran the 0.8 miles to the gym. While there, I did 30 minutes on the stairclimber and then chest/triceps workouts…3 different workouts on each muscle group. I strapped back up and ran the 0.8 miles home and in total burned 807 calories. Good workout day I must say, freezing outside and all!!!

Tonight I took it easy and did some work at Starbucks, came home, watched TV and relaxed. Intake for the day was:

Calories – 1509, Goal – 1600 (under)
Fat – 62.4, Goal – 60.8 (over)
Carbs – 139.9, Goal – 111.2 (over)
Fiber – 37, Goal – 30-38 (on target)
Protein – 110.1, Goal – 152 (under)

Day 2 – Friday, January 3, 2014

Today I was feeling especially tired. I think because my body was probably thinking, HEY! WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO ME? 🙂 That and the fact that I was way under on calories yesterday, which made for a longggg day!

Anyways, I have to say that I am quite proud! I went to Old Crow Smokehouse with my best friends tonight, and while they all drank, watched the Ohio State game and listened to country music, I had one diet coke and water the rest of the time. This is unheard of for me because live country music and ice cold beer in the same place??? That’s my idea of heaven! But, I thought…what good is this going to do me? I have had some form of drink almost every day for the past 3 weeks, with the holidays, work travel, New Years Eve, etc. It’s only going to make me feel like crap, and I will wish that I wouldn’t have had it. I know I can do this – I did it last year, I felt great, and I will do it this year again. 🙂

Today was shoulders/calves/abs day at the gym. I was so tired so I didn’t workout as hard as I should have. I burned 407 calories and my intake of macro nutrients were as follows:

Calories – 1622.5, Goal – 1600 (over)
Fat – 54.8, Goal – 60.8 (under)
Carbs – 150.6, Goal – 111.2 (over)
Fiber – 30.7, Goal – 30-38 (on target – yay!)
Protein – 145.6, Goal – 152 (under)